

Saint Andrew's 登机 student Camilla standing by campus lake


I'm a part of the boarding school program here at Saint Andrew's. I wake up around 7:00 am, shower, and get ready for school. Around 7:45 am, I walk over to Mariani Great Hall, where I eat breakfast. I order an omelet every morning with just egg whites and vegetables. 我和朋友们坐在一张桌子旁, and we eat until 8:10 am when the bell rings, and we have to get to our first-period class. 


My English class is one of my favorite classes. We discuss contemporary topics that help me widen my worldview. The people in my class make it fun and exciting because everyone talks to each other. The in-class discussions enrich my knowledge and allow me to understand better the books we read and the documentaries we watch in class. 


In my advisory, we have arranged to bring snacks every Thursday to celebrate the upcoming weekend. 在一般情况下, 在咨询期间, we get to talk to our classmates with who we've been sharing advisories since freshman year. 我们一起去教堂做礼拜. It is so nice to see how we become closer and closer as time goes by. 


I love the variety of classes Saint Andrew’s offers. Amazingly, they offer higher-level classes that fulfill the student's interests. As someone that plans on studying film and cinema production in college, I'm grateful my school provides classes like Film at an IB level. In the class, we analyze films from different periods. My favorite assignment so far this year was when we had the chance to choose a movie to write an extended essay. I found myself being excited about this homework assignment.


在我的空闲时间, I take advantage of the writing lab and math lab that are free tutoring by the teachers. In the math lab, I ask questions I have on my homework assignments and my tests. When I don't need help with my homework assignments, 我去图书馆, 我最喜欢校园里的哪个地方. I enjoy doing my work on the library's second floor, sitting in comfy chairs with a beautiful view of the barnyard trees. 


I meet my friend Olivia at the Cohen Center for lunch since she has a class there before lunch, and we walked together to Mariani Great Hall. We try to get there before the middle of lunch starts, so we don't have to make the food line. SAGE Dining Services has the yummiest meals; we have something different every day for lunch. 老实说,我不能选择我最喜欢的一个, 鸡肉干酪之间, 照烧釉鲑鱼, and the delicious pizza that comes fresh from the oven every day. Lunch is a great time to catch up with my friends; we usually sit outside when the weather is not too hot. The team that serves the food for us is always so happy and nice; I love being able to create connections with them. 


午饭后,我有道德. 与先生的道德. Rivera is such a great class to discuss ethical scenarios that we discuss in class. I personally really enjoy class discussions, 我之前说过, because you get to know your classmates better and in this class especially, we can defend our points of view and learn from one another. 


After school on Tuesdays, I have Stucco meetings which I love. I love spending time with emerging leaders who want to make big changes that will cause an impact in the Saint Andrew’s community. Stucco meetings usually go from 3:00 - 4:00 pm, 在4点钟, 我有游泳练习, so I run from the Cohen Auditorium to the pool. 下午4点到6点我有练习表. I have to say, after the library, my second favorite place on campus is the pool. The sunsets that we get to see there are beautiful. Watching the sunsets while listening to coach Ramon's music on the speaker and cheering from each other on the relays is the highlight of my afternoons. 


After the long two hours of practice, I get famished, so I go to Mariani Great Hall to get food. I love going to dinner because it is a great time to catch up with other boarders. I also enjoy talking to the faculty members that live on campus during this time. 


吃完饭回来, I shower and change into comfy clothes to prepare myself for the rest of the evening. 登机 students have study hall from 8:00 - 10:00 pm; during this time, I get to complete my homework and assist in extra help sessions with teachers on the duty team that night. We have our final check-in at 10:40 pm; I make some tea and get ready for bed to get some sleep and prepare to have an amazing day!